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Bromley Central Library
Apart from the many services offered by the library it also has a selection of Large Print and Audio Books.  To view the catalogue visit www.bromley.gov.uk/libraries
The Home Library Service can be found on the libraries website but also offers a transport
and befriending service
The local contact is Cheryl.Puller@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

​​Kent Association for the Blind (KAB)
KAB is a registered charity helping people with sight impairments in Kent, covering Medway, Bromley and Bexley to be independent, mobile and safe.  Contact http://www.kab.org.uk/ or
telephone 020 8464 8406.
The Eye Clinic Liaison Officer is Sue Turker and she is based at Orpington and Queen Mary’s (Sidcup) Hospitals on different days of the week.  Her mobile number is 07795 558560.  Working with the NHS Ophthalmic Department in Bromley, she will talk to you about your eye condition and provide advice and information.
RNIB helping people who lost their sight to find their lives again http://www.rnib.org.uk 
EnBro - This organisation has special Spring walks for BDTN listeners http://www.enbro.org.uk 
Guide to Services for Older People at Bromley AGE UK http://www.ageukbromley.org.uk
VIPAS Visually Impaired Persons Active Social group.
​For details contact Toby 020 8325 0186, or Joan 020 8462 7903.

VocalEyes is a nationwide audio description charity, providing access to the arts
for blind and partially sighted people http://www.vocaleyes.co.uk
Calibre Audio Library, a national charity providing subscription free service
of unabridged audio books for adults and children with sight problems, dyslexia
or other disabilities who cannot read print http://www.calibre.org.uk
National talking newspapers and magazines – The Talking Newspaper Federation.
Guide Dogs – formerly known as The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
There are over 4,700 guide dog owners in the UK.
​Find out how Guide Dogs can help you get out and about http://www.guidedogs.org.uk
Local clubs for the blind:
Regrettably, all the local independent clubs for the blind have now closed.
However, the KAB has a Coffee Morning on most Wednesdays in Bromley Town Centre.   See "KAB" above for contact details.